
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Top 10 Cereals

This week’s assignment from the League: Top 10

Last week, the League of Extraordinary Bloggers‘ was talking about SDCC. Your assignment this week…
Top 10
Once you put up a post on your site, add a comment below with the URL so everyone knows where to find it. Remember to include links to your fellow League members in your article, along with a League logo and link, so other bloggers can learn how to join in the fun.
Blog karma is a good thing — by cross-posting like this, we will help send each other new readers, and receive a few in return. If you would like to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!

Being a product of the 80s it's only natural that I love Saturday morning cartoons and cold cereal. Sometimes look up old toons to watch on YouTube on Saturday mornings so I can fully enjoy my favorites. I give you Mason's Top 10 Favorite Cereals!

10. Wheaties

Ah yeah, Wheaties! Not only is it good for you, but MJ eats it! Better eat your Wheaties, it's the breakfast of champions.

9. Rice Krispies Treats Cereal

8. Frosted Mini Wheats

Not the most popular choice and a lame commecial, but I still enjoy a bowl full to this day.

7. Peanut Butter Crunch

I love peanut butter and I love Peanut Butter Crunch, even though it kinda scraps me gums up sometimes. It's a two-edged sword.

I remember this commercial like it was on last Saturday morning. Classic.

6. Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Now we're talkin', Cinnamon Toast Crunch ya'll! So good! I don't know what happened to the other Bakers, but the cereal is still going strong.

"Less sugar than I thought!" Ha ha ha, yeah right lady!

5. Lucky Charms

Technically a holiday themed cereal that can be enjoyed all year round! Heavily parodied commercial.

4. Rice Chex

Great cereal because Muddy Buddies and Peanuts commercials! Corn Chex are alright, but Wheat Chex are just plain nasty.

3. Crispix

One of those acquired tastes. Something about it just tickles my taste buds.

2. Kix

Another one of those kids-love-it-but-it's-okay-with-moms-cuz-it's-low-in-sugar cereals. I don't know why I like this one so much, it justs takes good and gives me warm fuzzies inside.

And Mason's number 1 most favorite cereal in the whole wide world is...


SO FREAKING GOOD! He likes it, hey Mason!

Raisin Life Cereal!? Gross!

What are your favorite cereals?

While you're at it go check out the other Extraordinary Bloggers' top 10s!

Time to read some short stories over at Knives Tales.

Go Play List lists out some awesome DVDs.

Derek shares his favorite toys at Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks.


  1. I notice they get less sugary as you close in on #1. Cinnamon Toast Crunch all the way!

    1. Yeah, I like the sugary cereals, but I can only stomach so much. The less sugary stuff has become my breakfast staple.

  2. Cinnamon Life is pretty up there on my list

    1. For some reason I like plain old Life te best. I do still like Cinnamon though.

  3. Loved Kix - remember the jingle.

  4. I don't know what I loved more the cereal or the commercials...o.k. definitely the cereal but the commercials were pretty awesome,too :)
