
Thursday, December 18, 2014

DI Treasures 2014 Ugly Sweater Contest

I competed in the Ugly Sweater Contest at work. Check out the invite:

The holidays are upon us and that means it is time for our second annual Ugly Sweater Contest! Join us in the lobby at 2 p.m. tomorrow (December 17) in your ugliest holiday sweater for a chance to win a $25.00 gift card.
Categories include:
  • Epic Fail
  • Overall Fashion Mishap
  • Just Plain Ugliest
  • Most Likely to go Viral.

The competition was fierce and I didn't even place. I wish I had a camera on me, because there were some great sweaters! The best ones are always home made. Besides, I'm not spending $20 on a new ugly piece of crap I will wear once a year! Here's an artists rendition of the coolest sweater in the contest (below). The contestant informed me the sweater was hand crafted by his wife:

Horrible, dark photos captured by HR.

I dressed like a winner, so I'm a winner in my book

So what about you folks? Do you have any hideous Christmas sweaters? I wanna see links in the comments people! (Keep it clean please)

Christmas Bonus: Seasons Greetings from The Aquabats!