
Thursday, February 26, 2015

I Am So Grateful For All of You! And you, and YOU!!! Weird word, you.

I have been a busy little worker bee, but that's no excuse to be silent on blog about some amazing, wonderful, and generous Bloggers and Instagramers that have sent me some cool loot recently (or a while ago)! I have thanked everyone in one way or another either through messages, Instagram posts, or other means, but I feel the need to thank everyone formally here on the good old blog. I don't have all the pictures of all the amazing goodies I received on hand, but I will update this post and flood it with images little by little. I don't want to put off thanking everyone until I have every picture ready to go. 

Be sure to follow the links below and give all these wonderful people a follow!

Thank you Brian Farrel, AKA The Trash Man, for the awesome LEGO minifigs and bricks, as well as a sweet vintage Mother Alien sticker (I made it into a magnet!)! Brian also sent me yet another great package including several PEZ dispensers loaded inside a big blue Frankenstein head, a great Plastic Man post card, and more!!!

Thank you Derek, AKA The Goodwill Geek, for the extremely generous box o' LEGO bricks and the other sci-fi awesomeness! There are some great pieces in there, and I used one to customize my LEGO Shelob, she looks fantastic!  

Thank you Tamsyn, AKA @legostorybr on Instagram for the fun LEGO package from Brazil! She even sent me a package previous that was lost in the mail and sent me a second package to make up for it! Thank you so much, I don't deserve it!

Thank you Deidre, AKA @trollsdolls on Instagram, for some great Madball and Wacky Packages goodness. If you find any homeless trolls send them her way, she will take good care of them!

Thank you John, Lord of Robot Monster Space Super Hero, for your kind donation of BootLEGO minifigs, a speedy wind-up eyeball, and more. It came out of the blue and really made my day! I still need to edit the first episode of Mason's Toy World featuring everything John sent. I really need to get on that!!

Thank you James Mooney, AKA @darthmoondog on Instagram, for the sweet trade! My Battle Beasts collection has grown exponentially and I really like the extras as well!

Thank you Sir Brian Lapsley, keeper of Awake Oh Sleeper, for the amazing Loot Grate loot, cards, toys, and art work! I was blown away by the most recent package, and continue to be blown away by Brian's care packages, I'm starting to loss count! What a generous soul, I appreciate your kindness!

Thank you Nicole, AKA @nicolesiebenhausen (Sister of Laura of Boobobby) for the great Yuletide trade and kind CthuLEGO donation!

Man, I'm spoiled! Thank you again everyone! I think i remembered to thank everyone that I haven't thank on the blog here. If I forgot someone chastise me in the comments below. THANK YOU!!!


  1. Mason am glad you liked the little package i sent and you never know there could be more in the future buddy. : )

    1. It was an awesome package, thank you so much! I only hope I can return the favor. :)

  2. Mason, sorry that I'm just now seeing this and responding. You are more than welcome for all of the goodies. It's been a blast sharing stories and toys with awesome folks such as yourself. Till next time my friend.....
