
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sunday Reflections: Selling Out

I have too many toys, I am dirt poor, out of shape and have little time. It's time for The Great eBay Purge. NOTHING is off limits, I will sell anything from my collection. From now on my posts will feature items for sale on my eBay account with links to the item up for auction. NO RESERVES! I hate when people start an auction at 1 penny and have a reserve, that's playing dirty! If you have any questions on an auction you can post a comment on the blog post or ask me via eBay message.

I have the nice fancy pictures of all my awesome toys, now it's time to let them go to a new home, for a nominal fee of course. In the mean time I will be working on my six pack abs and getting ready for a half marathon that I signed up for. I should be in peak shape and looking like Bruce Lee within a year.

Also, since I hate to resource to eBay, I will consider offers before I post to FeeBay.


  1. Well, a reserve price prevents shield bidding, and thus selling your stuff for one actual cent. Put some stuff on LRG dude!

    1. Yeah, that's true, there is a $2 few when you add a reserve, which is annoying but it might be worth attracting buyers for the more valuable items.

      Haha, yeah it's not Sunday yet, just thinking ahead.

      I definitely will post stuff to :)

  2. Crazy I just started an eBay site today as well. Good luck to you I will be checking out your collection.

    1. Awesome! Good luck to you as well. Can't wait to see what you sell. :)

  3. I can't wait to see what you have for sale. I should probably go through a purge myself truthfully.

    1. I know right? I just have more than I can really enjoy right now and I really need some cold hard cash!

  4. I hear you on this - I really need to take the plunge and start selling stuff off too. Good luck, and be sure to hang on to a couple things just to retain your sanity!

    1. I may consider keep some of the cream of the crop and selling the bulk of my collection. Quality over quantity, wise words! It's tempting to sell the really prized pieces from my collection as they fetch a higher price, but at the same time it's hard to let go. I have a few really rare toys that I may never see again if I sell them, like my Fleetwood The Sword & The Sorcerer "The Monsters" Lion Demon Balrog.

  5. I dunno if the last message went through (I suck at blog stuff). Anyhow it is sorry to hear your giving it up man. I just found your blog and got excited and then I see the selling out post. It is tough to justify spending money on toys when you have kids. Anyhow this is Optimusdrizzt from LRG and instagram. I'll keep an out for your toys and try and give them a good home, especially if you put up some battle beasts. Good luck man

    1. I have given it some thought and instead of selling out completely I have decided to refocus my collection instead of selling every single thing.

      I've made a list of my top 10 toys I want to focus on and everything else I will sell/trade.

      Battle Beasts are cool, but I didn't grow up with them (I was a Z-Bots kid), so I am not as attached and I will be selling them. I will let you know which ones I have so you can have first dibs. :) Thanks for stopping by the old blog!

    2. I got some Z-bots to trade if you want. You can see it under got toys on LRG. I be fine trading them away and there are a couple trash bag bunch in the lot.

  6. We all go through stages of refocusing. Especially when it feels like the vital aspects of our life are suffering. Like God, Family and Self. I went through this same purge period a few months ago. You and several other received the majority of what I deemed necessary to remove from my shelves. It's just about keeping a healthy balance. God bless buddy and take care!

    1. It feels good to unload a bit, it can become a bit overwhelming for sure. Thank you for all the awesome stuff you sent my way by the way! I have a package ready to go, I just need to ship it and it will be headed your way soon!

  7. Sometimes a purge is good Mason and it lets you focus more the things you really love to collect...and the extra money is nice too lol.

    1. Agreed! I think it really pays off to have some focus, I enjoy my collection a little more, and it's not so hard to let go of things that don't quite fit into my collection.

  8. Hi Mason its Darren from England hear, We communicated a few days ago, Ive managed to have a look at those Skeleton figures you offered me and Yes i am very interested in buying them from you.They look very similar to the Toy Major Cream Skeletons which ive got a lot of,But these look Great. I thought you meant the New BlueBox Pirate Skeletons which by the way i do like and want to own sometime soon Hopefully, And when i do get them i want a full tub. Anyway back to your offer, How many of these Red Skeletons do you have? How much do you want for them? And can you possibly get a full tub of these figures? I look forward very much to hearing from you.
    Regards from Darren

    1. Sorry for the late reply Darren. I responded to your comment on the Crimson Crew post here:
