
Friday, January 1, 2016

January 2016 Calendar

Here's what's on the horizon for January 2016.  Not much, but there is some "must see TV".

Announcements? Events? Tell Mason to add to calendar! Want an editable virtual copy of the calendar? Let me know your email address and I will send you one. J

Anticipated January LEGO sets:
75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters-This looks amazing! I never thought I'd see the day, a Slimer LEGO minifigure!!!  Up until now everyone has been using Rotta the Huttlet as a Slimer substitute.
NEW Nexo Knights themed sets (futuristic Knights theme!? Essentially Knights IN SPACE! Ninjago gave the Ninja theme a sci-fi/space treatment, and now I suppose it's time for LEGO Knights to go cyberpunk, complete with only one female antagonist and an annoying TV show to boot! What classic LEGO theme will receive the cyberpunk treatment next???)

What's on your calendar for January 2016? Happy New Year!


2016 New Toy Lines

Yo-Kai Watch!
LEGO Set 21304 Dr. Who 


  1. Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to Sherlock as well!

    1. It looks good! Cumberbatch and Freeman make a great Sherlock and Watson. My wife and I loves the BBC's modern adaptation of Sherlock, it's interesting that they're going back to the classic time period next year.

      As excited as I am for Sherlock, I am crazy giddy about the new X-Files mini series bringing back both David Duchovney and Jillian Anderson as Fox Mulder and Dana Scully!
