
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pop Culture League Challenge: First Quarter

First Quarter

What’s your earliest arcade or video game memory?
It's back baby! Some of you may remember the League of Extraordinary Bloggers weekly challenges created by Brian of CoolandCollected.Com  Now those blogging challenges are back with a fresh coat of paint and rebranded as The Pop Culture League!
Now on with the show.  I was born in '83, so I came into this world just in time to be molded into a Nintendo fan boy.  You may remember I have actually already posted about my earliest video game memory when someone with Man Crates randomly contacted me and basically wanted free advertsing from me on their Retro Crate, a crate that I had never heard of before, but whatever, check it out HERE.
You can read about my earliest video game memory above, Super Mario Brothers, still the best!
 Which leads me to this...

Don't ask me why it's so hard to find a good quality clip of this.  Probably copy right infingement or something stupid.  If I actually watched any of the Olympics I would have loved this.  Long live Mario!

Since I have already shared my thoughts on Mario before, I thought I would touch on the next video game I encountered that wasn't part of the NES library.  No, I'm not talking arcades, though I would later learn to appreciate such classics as Mario Brothers, Dig-Dug, Donkey Kong, Pac Man, among others.  My next experience with video games was in the classroom.  I'm talking Oregon Trail ya'll!

Man, dysentery claimed many a soul!  Once my brother was bit by a rattler.  Basically most of what I remember of this game was diverse ways to die in the wilderness. Fun and educational!  I wish this game would finally get the reboot it deserves!  Oh, wait...


  1. Oh man! Oregon Trail was the shiznit back in grade school computer class!

    1. Yeah man, I lived for computer day! I also dies, a lot!

  2. Welcome back to the League Mason!

    Dysentery took many of us back in those days. ;)

    1. Thank you, it's good to be back! I hope I can find the time to participate more often than not. :)

  3. We had a fencing game AND Oregon Trail on those old Apple 2es. That was a real treat to shoot too many buffalo.

    1. I don't remember a fencing game, but I do recall some kind of gardening game. Can't remember what it was called though.
