
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Little Weirdos Of My Own

I recently traded a set of my Crimson Skeleton Pirates for some Skeleton Warriors from Frank of Little Weirdos. His blog is great, he features all sorts of mini figures, Madballs and obscure 80s fantasy toy lines. There's a great post on Little Weirdos that helped me discover who and what exactly Froggacuda is when I found him in an epic DI grab bag. The images on Little Weirdos are clear and crisp and they really capture these little weirdos!

I'm way excited to have some little weirdos of my own, so let's take a look at these little warriors!


The Skeleton Warrior are a tad bigger than my Crimson Crew guys, so they make for perfect ringleaders.

It's hard to choose a favorite, because they're all great, but the Warlock warrior is pretty cool! The Spearman comes in second because he looks so awesome with his little crimson minions.

As of now the Skeleton Warriors are unidentified, no one really knows where they came from, it's yet another toy mystery. If you have any knowledge of the origin of these amazing Skeleton Warriors, then please let me know!

I'd also like to thank Frank of Little Weirdos. Thank you for the trade, I love these Skeleton Warriors, they rule! Also, your blog is top notch! I really enjoy it, keep up the great work!


  1. So glad I could help you add some of these guys to your collection! And thank you very much for the kind words. I really appreciate it!

    1. Thank you so much, they look great and it's nice to see them in person. Your blog really is amazing and sets a high blogging standard that I hope to one day achieve! I hope for more trading opportunities in the future.

  2. Those are incredibly cool!!! I have a set of your crimson skeletons in bone-white, but I only have six of them. I had two sets of six but recently sent a set off to the Trash Man at Pop Pop! It's Trash Culture.

    Those are all awesome!!!

    1. Oh yeah, I saw bone-white crew on the Trash Man's blog, I was quite pleased to see there is at least one more color out there! I later came across some white skelies in a pirate play set bag, but they're a bit pricey at $7. I think they're a bit larger figures than the crimson batch.

      And yes, they are extraordinarily awesome!

  3. You guys and your tiny plastic toys. ;)
    Love the outdoor "shoot", Mason! Did your neighbors see you?? That would have been awesome..... I love it!

    1. Heh heh, yeah, I can't get enough of 'em! Passers by did see me snapping the toadstool shots. I was quite self conscious, all bent over snapping away with my iPhone. A grown man, photographing his toys, it's madness! I got a few awkward stares, but it was worth it. :D

  4. I know, right? I love toys like these! I really do find these to be beautiful.
