
Friday, January 24, 2014

Extreme Fighting: The Violence Continues

Remember that bootleg wrestler with a chainsaw (sounds like a B movie title)? Well, he's back! Only this time  he shrank a little and lost some articulation. However, his chainsaw hasn't changed and he brought a friend, El Serpiente!

Even though they both pretty much suck, I prefer the tag team duo over the single, larger figure. You get twice the toys and twice the deadly weapons! Plus, the chainsaw looks that much more deadly being almost as big as Mistico! El Serpiente has a pretty mean weapon himself, a stinkin' spiked baseball bat, now that's extreme! Well, not as extreme as a chainsaw, but still!

I'm gonna leave these guys sealed. They'll make a nice gift for one of my lucky friends some day. I hope there aren't any naive parents out there buying their kids Extreme Fighting "Playsets" from the dollar store. No kid should want these!

What do you think? I know the guy in white is Mistico, but does anyone know who the snake man is supposed to resemble? Do anyone want one of the Extreme Fighting "Playsets"? Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true. Just sayin'.


  1. That chainsaw is freakin' huge! lol.

    1. Haha, I know! It's so absurd, but kind of awesome.

  2. I see these figures all the time at the local flea market, so I presume parents are buying them for their kids around here!

    I admit, those weapons are pretty sweet!

    1. Oh no! Those poor kids!

      The weapons are pretty sweet. Though I found out the backside of chainsaw is freakin' hollow and left open! LOL!

  3. Crazy, ha ha!
    Those are man toys, for sure.
    Gabe would love em!

    1. Ha ha, yeah. :)

      There just might be a chainsaw tag team in Gabe's future! :D

    2. I warned you to be careful what you wish for. XD

  4. When I first moved to Mexico I had NO wrestling figures. I bought these to use in my fed. As soon as I got some real ones from the WWF, I sold them in the cafe.
