
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mason Spaces Out

SHEESH! I've been gone for a good long while! Sure, it hasn't been that long, but I was used to posting, like, 3 times a week, and it's been what...almost...A MONTH!?

Blasting off past 100 followers on Instagram! Corny, I know.

Man, sorry about that. I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't died or anything. I've just been working like mad and I'm currently in between careers. Right now I'm studying for the State Insurance License Exam. I will soon be an independent insurance agent. It will be hard, commissioned work; but I will be able to set my own schedule and I will hopefully be able to whip this lil' blog back into tip top shape!

Out of this world DI finds! Again, corny. But check out these awesome toys!

And speaking of spacing out, I have been able to express my goodhearted geekiness via Instagram @SpaceMason. I have always heavily favored the sci-fi side of nerdom (would that be considered the Dark Side or the Light Side?) and my Instagram account reflects that. Almost every image is in some way sci-fi related! 

So, join me on Instagram and please stand by for more DI treasures. I'm not done yet gosh darn it! I'll keep posting when I'm old and frail and farty! 


I am currently working on an orbiting brother blog The Lunar City. There's not much to see right now, but I hope to add more soon!


  1. Nice find on that Brainiac! I have him and think he's keen!

    1. I spotted him at the DI and he was only 50 cents! Such a cool robotic being! I love how you can see the inner workings of his mechanical brain, plus the articulation is perfect! The things people give away, I'm so grateful they do!

  2. Good luck on the career move Mason and congrats on the great finds too buddy.

    1. Thanks John! Thank you so much for your dedication in following and commenting on DI Treasures! It means so much and I appreciate it! Sorry I've been away for so long, I really need to go check out the Clawful Punch.
