
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Goodwill is the Cat's Meow

I found a Batman Returns Catwoman at the Goodwill a while back for cheap! And the best part is she's complete!

These old 90s Batman movie figures always came with some bizarre weapons. I mean what the heck is this thing? It makes about as much sense as the Supermanmobile. 

And of course you have a nice whipping action play feature. It kind of limits the 5 points of articulation even more, but it's alright I guess. She's a little hard to stand up too, she keeps falling over with the slightest breeze.

I guess it's a "Taser projectile"? That's a taser? What the wha?
The card provides a nice quick reference guide to all the other toys I need to find.  

I know many find the Penguin Commandos to be pretty lame, but I think they're awesome!

Overall I'm quiet happy with Catwoman. Batman says he's worried, but I think he's pretty happy too.


  1. Not a bad looking action figure for it's time. : )

    1. Not bad at all! There's a very strong nostagia factor involved as well. :)

  2. I loved the Batman Returns line. It featured the best toy-versions of Robin and Catwoman, and yes, I also had the Penguin Commandos. Fantastic find, man.

    1. Yeah, the Batman Returns line has to be my favorite. I hate that The Penguin doesn't look anything like Danny DeVito's portrail and was just a reuse of an old mold I believe, but everything else is top notch. I'm a happy camper!

  3. Nice score! I only added this Catwoman to my collection a couple years ago myself.

    I recently found the Penguin Commandos on (beat up) card at the flea market for a buck- I need to blog about them soon. I had them when originally released, but had gotten rid of them over the years. They're ridiculawesome!

    1. Nice! They're way ridiculawesome (I just might steal that word for future posts)! They look a lot like something you might find from the indie toy line Battle Babies.

      The Catwoman card was so beat up that the blister wasn't even attached to the card. Somehow they stayed together all those years just for me!

  4. What a treasure. I know this is a little transparent to say, but Catwoman was my favorite toy from the line. In all of her stitched leather glory...

    1. Yeah, she's pretty bad A! She's my favorite version of the Catwoman. Looking back, the stiching always reminds me of Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

    2. You hit the nail on the head. I never would of thought of the comparison, but goodone! I loved this figure growing up and hate that my Mom trashed her.

  5. There's actually been a lot of hate for this film lately, and while it wasn't perfect it had a lot of parts in it that I just absolutely LOVED. Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman is probably my very favorite Catwoman. And Danny DeVito's Penguin literally changed the way the character has been handled ever since.

    Love this toy!

    1. That's crazy, I can't believe anyone would be hatin' on Batman Returns! Now, Batman Forever (which I still love) or (especially) Batman and Robin (great for a laugh though) I can tolerate a little hate. I think Batman Returns was perfectly cast, Danny DeVito was amazing! Probably my favorite version of The Penguin as well.

      It's been a long time since I've watched Batman Returns, it's time to revisit it.
