
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ava's Halloween Table

Sometimes I forget that Halloween isn't just for grown-ups to feel like a kid again. It's also for kids for feel like kids now! So I whipped up this Halloween mood table for our cute little roaming house goblin. Check it out!

Centrally located at the end of the main hall, it's equipped with everything a little 22 month old girl could ever want for Halloween! 

On the top shelf (the only one Ava can't reach) we've displayed our toilet paper inner tube monster creations! Daddy used a paper towel roll and Mummy made the two on the ends. Ava made the one in between the Daddy Monster and Mommy Monster.

Halloween Hello Kitty, gift from family last year.

These 2 mini plushies are Arctic Circle Halloween kids meal toys from the 90s. There was also a Goblin and I other creature, but who knows where they are now. They also used to come with little hiding places. The cat came in a tree, the ghost came in a paper sack and I can't remember what the other 2 came in. If you ever see these second hand SNATCH THEM UP! They super rare and I would be interested in completing the collection again. I can't find any info online on these guys.

The infamous Beanie Baby Hambeargler is chillin' next to the haunted house. I passed on him once before, but I saw this one for a quarter, so I thought "what the heck"!

I'm glad Ava now has a little Halloween spook alley all her very own. Remember, Halloween is for kids!


  1. Fun! I have a couple cardboard tube Frankenstein monsters on my desk at work that my intern and her mom put together!

    1. I love doing little Halloween crafts with the family! I put way too much effort into my monster, but I'm very pleased with the result. :)

  2. Awesome! Love everything on that table.

    1. It's some very fun stuff and they're things I don't mind Ava getting into and playing with. I always feel bad when I am photographing something and Ava wants to play with it and I say no.

  3. I love the idea and your families "Paper Towel" monsters are great! The little Wind UP eyeball and skull are the cherry on top. I love wind up toys. And these little creepers are awesome.

    1. Thanks! It was fun to put together. Before there wasn't really much on this shelf because Ava would get into whatever we displayed there. This way we can decorate the shelf and Ava can get into it all she wants. Win-win!
