
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Creepy Cruisers IV: Fall Colors Ecto-1

Not as cool as the Slimer version, but still very cool. I love the ectoplasm green tinted windows, sparkly orange paint, and shiny golden underbelly.

The orange paint has a hint of sparkle in it. I really like the green jack-o-lantern Hot Wheels seal.

The Ghostbusters symbol looks nice in green.

Later after dinner I discovered that all the equipment on top is easily removed revealing a secret sunroof! Stored away inside there are 4 proton packs!

If you look carefully you can see what looks like a ghost trap on top of the ladder.

So there you have it, Halloween Hot Wheels 2014 car #1. Cars #2-5 will be revealed later this week. 


  1. Such a wonderful vehicle in any color!

    1. So true! I do wish I had the original and Slimer versions, but I'm happy to have this one. Maybe one day I'll fork out the cash on eBay for Slimer Ecto-1, if I can find a good deal.

  2. Iv never seen this one! Ill have to see if I can track it down.

    1. It's an awesome 1:64 scale Ecto-1! It's was a huge pain in the butt to track one down, being a Kroger exclusive, so they're only available at Smith's grocery stores and Fred Meyers in my neck of the woods. The Ecto-1 one is the most popular of the Halloween set, so it goes fast. I hope you track one down, but if you can't find one let me know.

    2. Oh, and check out Eric's Slimer Ecto-1!

  3. Dude this rocks. I love the detail that Hot Wheels put into their cars and furthermore Ghostbusters man! Can't wait to see what you post next....

    1. Thanks! It really is amazing how much detail they pack into those tiny 1:64 scale vehicles! I can't believe they packed in 4 proton packs! More Halloween Hot Wheels posts to come....

  4. Awesome post! Didn't know that the top part popped off so easily, good to know!

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I noticed it was a bit loose so I gently proded it until it popped off. I was pretty surprised to see the secret sunroof and proton packs inside!

  5. Didn't run across any of these this year.

    1. They seem a bit more scarce than last years batch. I didn't grab a single one from last year's series and now I wish I had.
