
Monday, October 27, 2014

Real Life Mothra!

It really is beautiful.

I splurged a bit on this one. I found it in the collectibles section of the DI for $8. If you caught the Wicked Wants post or the Creepy Crawlers post, then you know I'm a big fan of bugs. They're just so gross and cool and misunderstood. As a kid I had a nice bug collection, but it eventually turned to dust because it wasn't preserved properly. It was kinda, sorta eatin' by critters.

Well, enough about me and more about this here moth. It is an "Attacus Atlas Moth (M)", pretty neat! My Dad pointed out that it is the largest moth in the world, with relation to wingspan. So, this is the closest thing to a real life Mothra. Cool!

Real Life Mothra [Attacus Atlas Moth (M)]
Cost: $8


  1. Man I tell you we really seem to have the same sensibility in collecting! I have a good number of bugs under glass and always pick up any I spot! I somehow missed that list you linked to above so now I have a few more things to toss into your box.

    1. I'm glad someone else likes the weird and cool stuff I like. Bugs are just so cool. My wife thinks spiders and bugs are devil spawn, but I think they're neat. Thanks for thinking of me and setting things aside!

  2. That is pretty cool! We have some big moths out here in the Redwoods but not quite that big (that I've seen!)

    1. I love big old moths! I had a giant moth in my childhood Boy Scout bug collection. It was a bit fatter than this one, though the wingspan wasn't nearly as impresive. It was also more grey with redish spots. I really like the orange color on this Atlas moth, very halloweeny.

      A few years ago my wife and I spotted a group of Sphinx Moths feeding on the flowers at Temple Square. It's so cool how they fly just like humming birds!
