
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Love Ya To Death

That's me on the left! Is that an envelope opener?

Ah yes, Love Ya To Death. A student horror film that my brother-in-law and some friends presented at open mic night, starring yours truly! My beautiful wife Laura did my makeup and that's how we first met! 3 couples were brought together and married as a result of this short film. Love ya to death indeed! Now, don't judge, but my acting kind of sucks. I'm a self taught actor after all, come on. Enjoy!


  1. Ha, I didnt come here to peep! lol I can totally see that as an episode of Tales from the darkside.

    1. Haha, thanks! It was fun to be in a film. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

  2. Dead and rejected, that's a bad day.

    1. Yeah, it can't get much worse than that. But at least 3 marriages blossomed as a result. :D

    2. I'm pretty grateful that I met MY hubby through that movie shoot. It's a lucky thing to have been able to be there. But OH MY GOSH I can't look myself in the eye after watching that.

    3. Hey, you did great, I wouldn't worry. I use it as a great meeting story. We didn't meet Laura at seminary, we met on a movie set!

      Now, every time I watch It's Mine I blush something fierce!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Tony! I'm glad you liked it. It's always weird seeing myself in a film and I'm always a little self conscious and hyper critical of my acting skills.
