
Friday, October 3, 2014

Trix Rabbit Found Dead on box of Frankenberry Cereal

Maybe I'm over analysing this, but I think Frankenberry and his spooky pals seriously murdered the Trix Rabbit and turned him into a rug! That's the only explanation I have for the following image.

Holy crap, the Monsters seriously killed the Trix Rabbit!

The comic on the back of Frankenberry's box was innocent enough, complete with plenty of lame puns, cheesy banter, and cheap jump scares. I could have easily missed the rabbit pelt and passed it off as a simple background choice, but the more I thought about the more things started stacking up. Who puts a rabbit pelt in front of a fire in a huge haunted mansion? One would logically expect a bear pelt. And the rabbit carcus is so obvious, it almost looks like they didn't even bother to skin the rabbit, his body is seemingly just dumped on the ground! At first I thought it odd for Frankenberry to kill a fellow General Mills character, but you never know who's capable of cold blooded murder.  The dead Trix Rabbit has to be an Easter egg planted by the comic artist to mess with my mind.

Just look at those soulless eyes!

What do you think? Is this just coincidence, or a dark conspiracy? Could Frankenberry cereal really contain traces of the Trix Rabbit's remains? You decide!


  1. Replies
    1. I know, right!? It's pretty messed up, but kinda funny, in a dark humor kind of way.

  2. Ha! The Trix rabbit got what was coming to him for pushing a cereal that thare the roof of you mouth on the list should be captain crunch.

    1. So true! I love the Cap'n, I even own a Cap'n Crunch T-shirt and wear it with pride, but man his cereal scrapes me gums up! LOL!

  3. I love it! Now you need to check the other boxes for signs of Lucky, Sam and the Cap'n!

    1. I checked the other boxes and there's no sign of any other cereal killings, as far as I can tell. There is however a hint that Brute Brute is out and about!

  4. Ha! I think you're on to something!

    1. Haha, I'm afraid so. Poor Rabbit, all he ever wanted was some Trix cereal. RIP.

  5. Teeth chattering ? Are u cold

    look closer no teeth wouldn't have to do with the killing of insensitivity or innocent people ?

    1. Good point, I didn't even think of that! It's a clear sign of guilt.
