
Friday, December 19, 2014

Castle Playskull

One of my best DI finds to date, Fisher Price presents the Family Play Castle, set #993 from 1974. This thing was and is, in my opinion, the greatest toy ever created by FP. It's the Castle Greyskull of the Fisher Price universe.

I remember playing with this every year at my Auntie's house before our annual Easter egg hunt. It had everything, as my cute little assistant demonstrates:

Here's a nice little video by Lucky Penny that highlights the set nicely.

What's your favorite Fisher Price toy and/or memory?


  1. A thing of pure beauty! I hope to find one on the cheap someday too. We have the house and barn and a few people and vehicles and accessories, I pick them up whenever I find them.

    The Sesame Street stuff is the best, I loved the Sesame Street Clubhouse when I was a kid. And the Muppet figures: Bert, Ernie, Harry, Cookie Monster, Oscar etc etc. Such great classic toys!

    1. I saw some of the Sesame Street figures at the antique mall, but they were asking for a mini fortune for them. The castle was a good deal, but I still paid more than I would have liked ($20). It was behind the glass in the collectibles section. Still, I paid way less than any eBay offering. Little People figures alone go for $10 easy on the all mighty eBay.

      The barn was a classic! I never owned one personally, but I do remember playing with it.

    2. I came across an old Sesame Street playset in a church nursery on Thanksgiving. It brought back a lot of memories. My kids thought it was pretty cool. Unfortunately, it was just the clubhouse set, none of the figures were there.

    3. It's funny you should mention that because I actually came across a ton of Fisher Price play sets in the ward house were we had our family Christmas party. They had the school house, the barn, the Sesame Street set, and the castle! The only figure I saw was the dog. I was a little jealous because their castle was in better shape. My Mom was a bit concerned because apparently there was a chocking hazard scare. The whole thing was completely blown out of proportion though.

  2. That's a great playset, and a huge one too by the looks of it. It's almost big enough for your assistant to play in it.

    I have fond memories of playing with the Fisher Price barn. Oddly enough, I remember the Fisher Price toys being regulars at bath time.

    1. It seems the barn was really popular. I remeber that mooing barn door, classic!

  3. Totally the barn with all the farm animals - that was my favorite. I saw one at an flea market near me a year or two ago and they wanted $65 for it!

    1. Man, $65!? That's a little steep! Was it even a complete set? I guess the fact that the barn moos when you open the door drives that price up. Even thrift stores like the DI and Goodwill seem to be getting stingier with their prices, though it is still possible to find some great steals.

  4. I used to have the Village/Town set along with the Airport my sister had the Castle and Barn.

    1. I remember the airport fondly. I wish I had kept all my "baby stuff"!

  5. You lucky dog!! I'm so happy for you and for little Ava who is obviously going to benefit :)

    1. She loves it! My wife bought Ava a Fisher Price Disney Castle shortly before I found this one, so the Family Play Castle sits in my toy room and Ava plays with it when she joins me upstairs. :)
