
Sunday, January 4, 2015

January's Theme: LEGO!

One of my resolutions for 2015 is to organize, clean up , and cull through my mess of a toy collection. I always seem to misplace things and many pieces are disorganized and dwindling in obscority inside of closets and mingled inside of junk drawers. That's all going to change this year as I focus on a new section of my collection each month. For this month, January, I have decided to focus on organizing my LEGO/building toys collection! Watch as I sort, organize, and highlights parts of my LEGO collection (sounds exciting, huh!?). I will also bring you news of all the cool new LEGO sets that I won't be able to afford in the least, as well as showcase some MOCs (My Own Creations). Expect long over due shout outs and kudos to Derek of Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks and Brian of Pop Pop, It's Trash Culture! for their generous contributions of LEGO goodies for the LEGO Space City project. I will also let you know what I would like to trade off and what LEGO bits I am searching for, so stay tuned! 

Don't forget to check out my newish brother blog, The Lunar City. It needs some work, but that's okay, it's more of a virtual diary for my LEGO Space City project.

I haven't decided what themes I want to go with for February through December this year. Do you have any suggestions?


  1. Replies
    1. Good idea! My GI Joe collection is fairly small though, so I may include my GI Joe collection under a broader theme.

  2. HAHAHA I love the three eyed fish as a minifigure head!

    February is the month of love, so you should do hearts or skunks or something.

    1. Thanks! When I saw that Blinkie head piece it just hit me that I needed to create that minifigure! The design was definitely inspired by Minion The from the movie Megamind.

      Hmm, I don't have any skunks or hearts or anything, but the month of love does give me an idea.

  3. Looking forward to it Mason. Count me in as another one loving the three eyed fish as the head. Brilliant!

    1. Haha, thanks! I'm not super talented when it comes to LEGO MOCs, but I do rather enjoy making custom minifigs. :) This is going to be a fun month, and an interesting experiment trying different themes every month this year.
