
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Box of Awesome Episode 2: GPK

I recently brought home an amazing toy haul from Capitol City Antique Mall. One of the vendors has a huge wooden chest stuffed full and everything is 50 cents. Usually there isn't much of note inside, but one day I came in and they were restocking and they had several boxes full of junk and I went a little crazy. I have decided to break up the madness into little themed episodes. Since this month is GPK, let's see what GPK junk I found:

There were only 2 GPK items in the bin o' junk, but they're real winners! 

 First up we have an absolute master piece. It's Mona Loser, a Garbage Pail Kids Pop-Up Toy by Imperial Toys!

Just perfect!

 At first I passed over the garbage pail and snatch up Mona. I later realized that they're a set and went back for the pail. The spring mechanism is missing and so is the lid, but she still looks just as lovely as ever outside of her trashy home.

Next, Garbage Pail Kids Stick-Ons!!! It's a real shame the stickers got a bit scrambled, because I would have liked to keep this sealed. Still, a great find for 50 cents! Let's zoom in.

From left to right: Nasty Nick, Adam Bomb (of course), Ailin' Al, Weird Wendy, Unstitched Mitch, & Brett Sweat

 From left to right: Ancient Annie, Schizo Fran, Nutty Nicole, & Bye Bye Bobby

  From left to right: Pegleg Peter, Foul Phil, Bent Ben (behind Schizo Fran), & Brainy Brian

  From left to right: Michelle Muck, Art Gallery, Mixed-Up Mitch, & Sara Slime

From left to right: Ashcan Andy (R2-D2), Potty Scotty, Muggin' Megan, Messy Tesie, and Sumo Sid

The back of the back gave me several ideas to get started. I think these would make the perfect magnets. Just add some adhesive magnet sheets from the craft store and viola! 

Now who wants a GPK Sticker/Magnet for Valentine's Day?


I carefully removed the staples and straightened the stickers that were out of place. Surprisingly they are still quite sticky. 

I believe I should return these to the package and save them for future posterity. 


  1. Replies
    1. For sure! I'm gonna hang the stickers on the wall and add to the TGI Friday style walls of my toy room. :D
