
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Creepmas 2016 Day 6: When Santa Fell to Earth

I recently checked out a weird Christmas movie from the local library, because I'm poor and cheap like that.  It's a German film entitled When Santa Fell To Earth.  It was mostly super cheesy and horribly dubbed, not really scary.  There was a strange conversation between a mother and child about cocoa beans, Mayan rituals, and "confectioneries".  

Our Santa character, or "the last real Santa" is basically Dr. Who meets Old Saint Nick.  He even has his own TARDIS-sleigh that is "bigger on the inside".  Santa's traveling companions include two fairy sized "angels" and two CGI elves.

The movie has the stereotypical  "gotta save Christmas" plot, as the last real Santa is hunted down by the evil Waldemar Wicheteltod, "goblins" (they look human to me), and sinister nutcrackers.  Waldy wants to rid the world of all Santas and leave the gift giving to parents.  I don't know why, for peace and order?

If you have to fold laundry one night, or don't feel like moving or thinking, then give this movie a watch!


  1. Goblins and sinister nutcrackers hmmm that has me interested.

    1. It's worth checking out from the library, I wouldn't buy it though. The "goblins" literally are just humans on snowmobiles. I don't know why they are called goblins. The nutcrackers a good for a laugh. All around, it's a fun, weird little cheesy family Christmas film.
