
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Nerd Cave Progress - January 2018

Construction of the DI Treasures Nerd Cave has begun, in the only room on the apartment available, the unfinished basement storage room.  At least the kids can't get in and destroy (although they have broken off the child lock before.  I'm sure it's only a matter of time until that happens again). 


 Real life, it can be ugly.

Robo Rally, safe from the children.

It is a work in progress, still mostly a cluttered storage room, but things are starting to fall into place.  I scored a free TV with 2 AV inputs, so I have hooked up my N64 and PS2 slim for games and as a DVD/CD player.  I need more extension cords and a couch and or comfy chair.  A couch would be a challenge squeezing through the narrow entry way to the basement.

We'll see how far I can come in another month.

Do you have a Nerd Cave?  What is it like?  Where can I see pictures?  Have you been relegated to the basement? 


  1. I should post pictures someday of my Cave Not as many toys these days but plenty of video games and movie stuff.

    1. I would love to see your cave!

      I hope I can post more pics of the current cave. My blog has turned into a fall and winter blog over the past few years.
